Making Money Online

How to earn money online 2023

How to make money online?

Do you want to earn money online from internet, but you do not know how to earn money online or you do not know how to earn money from internet then you are at the right place because today I am going to share with you to all people who are reading this article- 11 easy ways to earn money online. From whom you can earn thousands of rupees sitting at home. Let me tell you here that the methods which I am going to tell you below

Today everybody wants Money, and everyone thinks about money all the time, how to earn more money, people who do not have a job think how to earn money and people who have a job or have a business think how to earn more money. That’s why today I am going to give you some ideas that how to earn online money so that you can earn money online for free.

Today no one can spend a single day without internet, because you don’t know that in this world with the help of internet we can do lot of thing like through internet you can talk Face 2 Face to anyone, no matter how far you are, with the help of internet Through this you can learn anything and you can teach anything to anyone, even you can earn money sitting at home through internet.

Can you earn money from internet?

Most of the people having question in their mind that, is it possible to earn money online or is it impossible?

So I would like to tell you that yes, it is absolutely possible that you can earn 100% money online free from internet, and today thousands of people are earning money from internet.

But there are still many such fraud websites on the internet, which get you to do your work but do not pay you, that is why today I will tell you about low investment and reliable ways from where you can earn good money sitting at home without any risk.
If you want to know about how to earn money from your mobile, then you must read about money earning games and money earning apps.

How to earn money online sitting at home?

Earning money online from internet is not a difficult task. Firstly, you should have some correct information about the ways from where you can earn money online by doing freelancing smart work. And its best thing is that no gender and age matter to earn money online, whether you are a student or a retired person or a housewife, anyone can earn money online from the internet.

What are the ways from where we can earn money online?

Following is some ideas from which you can earn money online by doing some smart work.

1. Earn Money by Blogging-

How to earn money online


You must hear about the word blogging or blogger because earning money by making a blog has become very popular nowadays. Here there is a lot of difference between Blog and Website, Blog looks like a dam website, but Blog belongs to a single person and Website is mostly of a company. Right now, there are lot of questions will be coming in your mind like

how to start a blog?

What will be the benefit of making a blog?

how to earn money from blog?

How to create a free website?

You must have often seen that whenever you open a website or blog by searching something on Google or through any link from anywhere, then there are many ads in between its articles and through the same ads blog website owner will earn money.

Similarly, you can also create a blog of your own and write articles in it.
And when traffic (pageviews) starts coming on your blog, then you can also earn good money by placing ads in your website.

You can create a blog for free by visiting and start your blogging journey.

2. Earn money from Affiliate Marketing –

How to earn money online

Affiliate marketing is a very good option to earn money sitting at home, if you become expert in Affiliate marketing then you can earn lakhs of rupees monthly sitting at home.
And in this, you do not need to spend even a single rupee, you can join any company’s affiliate program for free and start earning money. But before that it should be known what Affiliate marketing is and how to earn money from it.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Which are big E-Commerce companies like Amazone, Fipkart, shopclues, Myntra, Earnkaro etc.
All of them run their own affiliate program to increase their product selling, with which anyone can join absolutely free and earn money by promoting their products. Promoting the products of any company online is called affiliate marketing.

To create an affiliate account, the company whose affiliate account you want to create, you search Google by writing affiliate with the company name, and you can create an affiliate account by opening the topmost site.

How to earn money from Affiliate Marketing –

Let’s assume that you have created a Flipkart affiliate account and you have also started promoting its products, but how will you get money from it? So let’s know who gets money from affiliate.

How to earn money online

When you created an affiliate account with Flipkart (it is an example you can create in any ecommerce company), then after that you can create a link to any product of that company and your income will be through this link.
Because whenever someone buys a product from your created link, you will get its commission which can be up to 10%, then you have to share that link in such a way that more and more people buy that product from that link.

For that you can do something like this.

  1. You can make your own YouTube channel, and you can make a review of a product of your choice and upload it on YouTube and tell your viewers that ‘if you like this product, then there is a link in the description below, you can buy it from here and whenever someone watches your video, Will buy the product from that link, you will get your commission.
  2. You can create a blog of your own and place affiliate ads between articles in it, or you can post a review of a product and give a link to that product, telling your visitors that “if you have liked this product”.
  3. So here is the link, you go here and buy this product, discount is going on now “Suppose if you have daily 500 visitors on your blog then there is chances 5to10 people will definitely buy the product from that link, and its most important thing is that you keep roaming or sleeping somewhere but your income will continue. And if the ranking of your blog gets good, 500 – 1000 visitors start coming daily, then you can earn 50000 to 1 lakh or more sitting at home.

If you want, you can promote your products there by creating a Facebook group or page or you can also create a WhatsApp group.

how to earn money online

3. Earn money from YouTube –

How to earn money online

As we know that there is not any person Who does not like to pass its time by watching videos for hours on YouTube, after google, YouTube is the world’s second largest search engine, where you will get to watch all kinds of videos, but have you ever thought that on YouTube we watch videos for hours and hours? Let’s learn something or do timepass, what is the benefit of the person who made that video.

If you run YouTube, then you must have seen that whenever you try to watch a video on YouTube, often before the start of that video, an advertisement runs, then those ads are of AdSense and mostly of youtubers. The main income source is AdSense only.

There are many ways to earn money by uploading videos on YouTube, in which AdSense is first, AdSense is a service of google itself, from which you can earn money by placing ads on your YouTube videos and you can earn money by linking AdSense account with your YouTube channel,

Affiliate Marketing & YouTube channel with Sponsored Brand

  1. If you have a good number of subscribers on YouTube, then you can easily earn good money by doing affiliate marketing from YouTube
  2. By giving a review of a product on YouTube, you can give the affiliate link of that product in your description and ask your visitors to buy the product from that link.
  3. Often you must have seen that many youtubers promote an app in the middle of their video, then many youtubers say in the beginning of their video that This video is sponsored by, or This video is powered by this app, then youtubers who They promote the app, they also get good money in return

So, you can also earn good money by doing Adsense, affiliate marketing or promotions by gaining your subscribers.


4. Earn money by becoming a content writer –

How to earn money online

If your writing skill is good then you can earn good money by writing freelance content, you can do it full time or you can earn good money by doing part time.
There are many such websites on the internet where you will get good money for content writing. If you are getting confused that what is content writing, then let me tell you.

There are many websites on the internet and every website owner does not have enough time to write articles by himself daily and publish them on his blog. So those people hire a content writer who writes articles of their choice to them and in return they pay money to the content writer. So, you must have understood from this example.

In starting you can start writing articles in less money and when your experience becomes good, and your writing skill becomes good then you can increase your rate and earn good money by writing articles.

But keep in mind that in starting you decide the topic on the basis of your knowledge and write articles related to that topic.
If you think that I will keep writing articles all day, whatever you get, whether it is health related, blog related, lifestyle or carrier related, then you will not be able to succeed in this way.

First of all, you should select a niche (Topic) of yours, get complete information related to that niche and after that you start writing articles.

5. Earn money from Fiverr –

How to earn money online

If you want to earn money comfortably without much hassle or without investing much effort or without learning anything new, then is a very good option for you, because it is not something new to you, but what you know, in which you are an expert. All you have to do on fiverr and for the same you will get the same money.

On, you can select your work on the basis of your knowledge and skill. fiverr is the place where you can make your talent your profession and earn good money. Its best thing is that you can do the work that you like to do or the work that you know well and can take money in return.

Suppose you have a good skills of photo editing, then you can do photo editing here, if you know how to do logo design, then you can design this logo, here you can do video editing, web design, Android development, content writing Or you can earn money even by becoming a consultant. This is also a good way to earn money online.

6. Earn Money from Digital Marketing-

How to earn money online

Digital marketing plays a very important role in earning money online from the internet.

Whether starting your own online business or earning money by freelancing, or getting an online job, there are many options available to earn money online using digital marketing.
Since digital marketing covers a lot of topics, the topics may include the following:

  1. Content Marketing
  2. Email Marketing
  3. Affiliate Marketing
  4. Blogging 
  5. Web Designing
  6. E-Commerce Selling 
  7. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
  8. Social Media Marketing
  9. Google Ads 
  10. Mobile Marketing 

Apart from this, there are many such topics, which come under digital marketing from which you can earn money online.

However, whatever the method, the purpose of digital marketing is the same, that is to sell any products or services in a digital way.

As the Internet is expanding,
Accordingly, the use of digital marketing has also increased in place of traditional marketing to sell a product or service and in the coming times the digital marketing industry will be on even more boom.

Learning digital marketing is not a huge rocket science and if you work hard,
So you can learn it easily. Then no matter what age you are!

Once you start learning Digital Marketing, then you will have more than one option to earn money from Digital Marketing.

Besides, if you want, so you can also get a good job in this field. But for that you have to understand the basic knowledge of digital marketing in a good way.

7. Earn money from mobile-

How to earn money online

Till Now, we have told you only about some of the main ways to earn money online. Let us now know in detail about the ways to earn money online from your mobile.

Instagram Rs 5000 -Rs 50000 *
Mesho Reselling Rs 10000 – Rs 25000
WinZo App Rs 5000 – Rs 15000
Upstocks Trading Rs 6000 – Rs 10000
Make money App Rs 3000 – Rs 12000
Ysense Online Rs 2000 – Rs 10000
Telegram Channel Rs 7000 – Rs 8000
Youtube Channel $ 500 – $10000
Facebook Group Rs 5000 – Rs 50000*
Freelancing Business Rs 15000 – Rs 21000

However, the best way in how to earn money online from mobile is that you can start using the above-mentioned apps.

8. Earn Money by Freelancing-

How to earn money online

If you know how to do anything or you are expert in any one skill, then believe me you can earn lakhs of rupees online by Freelancing.

Many people keep searching on Google that “How to earn money Online” the answer to this question is that you can start doing Freelancing Work from your home with the help of your computer or mobile.
If you want, along with Freelancing, you can do your studies or job without any hassle and can make money by working Part Time.

The best thing is that you do not need to wander anywhere to find freelancing work!

Because there are many online money-making websites like, Upwork,
You will get work according to your qualification on Fiverr etc.

  1. First of all, learn a skill Master your skill
  2. Find work using Facebook or your friends.
  3. Now create your good profile on any one Freelancing Website.
  4. Pitch clients and get work.
  5. After taking work from clients, complete it within time.
  6. Withdraw Your Payments from Freelancing Sites.
  7. Connect with new clients and improve your skills


9. Earn money by selling products online-

How to make money online


You can also earn good money by selling the old stuff lying in your house online, on OLX and Quicker you can sell anything online and earn money, the old stuff in your house which you do not need but may be useful to someone. Need and he gives you good money in return.

Its best thing is that you can sell anything like TV, fridge, Sofa, Mobile, bike, etc. You can also sell old tools, old tires or any spare parts and you will get good money in return.

10. Earn money online from Share Market-

How to earn money online

If you have not yet learned how to earn money online from the share market, then somewhere there is a lack of knowledge within you!

Share market can be the best way to earn money online, because there is no limit to earn money from share market.
Many of you ask the question that how to make money from money? So, the best answer is to start investing your money in the share market.

Because if you want to grow your money,
So, after business, share market is considered the second-best way to increase your money. Although it is not necessary that you should have money to earn money online from share market!

If you want, you can create your account on Trading Apps like Upstocks, Groww, AngelOne etc. used to invest in Share Market.
And you can earn one thousand to 1200 rupees per referral on Upstocks. Thus if you invite 30 people in a month to use Upstocks, then you will be able to earn ₹ 30000 a month very easily.

If you want to earn money online from UpStocks then follow below step to active

  1. Download and install the Upstocks App on your mobile phone.
  2. Now open your demat account with the help of PAN Card and Aadhar Card
  3. Refer your friends to use it.
  4. If you want, you can also earn money online by trading on Upstocks.
  5. Earn money online by investing in Mutual Funds and SIP

Also Read: How to create Google pay Account in 2022?

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)-

  1. Can we really earn money online from home?

Ans. Yes of course, if someone told you; That you can earn money online from YouTube or Google by working on the Internet, then    you should trust that person’s words. Because when it comes to making money online sitting at home. So, there can be many such ways in which you can earn lakhs of rupees by working online from your home. You must believe that you can earn passive income by working online; Meaning that by working online you can set up a complete online business.

You also need to understand that making money online is not a big deal! We know many such people; Those who earn crores of rupees by working online.

Amazon, Flipkart, Snapdeal, all these companies also started from a small level through online medium and in today’s time it has become company worth billions, trillions of rupees.

Although sometimes it may take a lot of time for you to start earning money online, in this case you have to keep yourself motivated and for this you can read Best Motivation Books.

2. What are the challenges coming during earn money online?

Ans. There are lot fraud websites available on the internet so beware and sometimes negativity comes in your mind.


With this, we hope that you will find this article on how to earn money online?  must have liked it.

So, share this article with your friends So that your friends also know that what are the ways to earn money online.

After earning money in all these ways, you will have only money, if you like the information given by us, then remember our blog.

Because here we will tell you more than one method related to how to earn money and will share their complete guide with you,
Due to which you will never face money problem.

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