
How to apply online Contract Labour License in Maharashtra?

Contract Labour License

Obtaining a Contract Labour License is a crucial requirement for businesses in Maharashtra that engage contract workers. The license is issued by the Labour Department and ensures compliance with labor laws and regulations related to the employment of contract workers. The process has been made more convenient with the availability of an online application system.\

contract labour license

Why is Contract Labour License required?

The Contract Labour License is required to safeguard the rights and interests of contract workers and to ensure that employers adhere to the applicable labor laws. It helps prevent exploitation, promotes fair working conditions, and provides legal protection for both workers and employers. By obtaining the license, businesses demonstrate their commitment to maintaining compliance with labor regulations and maintaining a safe and equitable work environment.

Also Read- How to apply for startup India Registration?


Scan Documents Required along with application for Contract Labour License:-

  1. Annexure A self declaration ( 75KB to 100KB) format given of left side of webpage
  2. Annexure B self declaration for attestation ( 75KB to 100KB) format given of left side of
  3. Form V- certificate from Principal Employer( 75KB to 100KB) format given of left side of
  4. Form IV-A form of undertaking ( 75KB to 100KB)
  5. Photo (20KB to 30KB)
  6. Signature (9KB to 15KB)
  7. Proof of Identity of Applicant ( copy of Driving License, Passport, Aadhar Card, PAN Card) (
    75KB to 100KB)
  8. Work Order / Agreement/Authority Letter (If Available)

Process Diagram ( Flow Chart) of Contract Labour License-

contract labour license

Procedure for filling application by the user of Contract Labour License :-

1. The user has to login on the website http//

Login here with login credentials of

2. After login a dashboard of services available online is visible.

contract labour license

The user has to fill all detail in the above application. After filled all required information, user has to upload documents  by click on Upload Documents button which as below-

contract labour license

After that user will see like below interface-

contract labour license
After upload all documents, Next Payment option will come where user have to pay

  1. Security money Rs 500 per labour (For 50 Labour= 25000 is Security money)
  2. Registration Fee: Rs 5000

Contract Labour License

After payment the user get a message that his application is successfully

Contract Labour License

After successfull payment receipt, You can track your application for Contract Labour License-

For More Details Watch below Video-

Contract Labour License will be approved by the Chief Labour Commissioner withing 10 working Day.

Time Line: 7 Working days.

If you want to user our paid service for Contract Labour License then

call us +91-8298057771


Q1: What is a contract labor license?

A contract labor license is a permit or authorization granted by the appropriate government authority that allows an employer or contractor to engage contract laborers for a specific project or period of time. It is a legal requirement in many jurisdictions to obtain such a license before hiring contract labor.

Q2: Why is a contract labor license required?

A contract labor license is required to regulate the engagement of contract workers and ensure compliance with labor laws and regulations. It helps prevent exploitation, ensures the welfare and rights of contract laborers, and promotes fair employment practices.

Q3: Who needs to obtain a contract labor license?

Typically, contractors, subcontractors, and employers who engage contract labor are required to obtain a contract labor license. The specific requirements and applicability may vary from country to country or even within different regions or states.

Q4: What are the benefits of obtaining a contract labor license?

Obtaining a contract labor license offers several benefits, including:

  • Compliance with labor laws and regulations.
  • Legal protection and avoidance of penalties or fines for non-compliance.
  • Assurance of fair wages, working conditions, and benefits for contract laborers.
  • Improved reputation and credibility for the employer or contractor.
  • Mitigation of potential legal risks and disputes.

Q5: What is the validity period of a contract labor license?

The validity period of a contract labor license for 1 year and needs to be renewed thereafter.

Q6: Can a contract labor license be transferred or shared?

In most cases, a contract labor license is non-transferable and specific to the employer or contractor who obtained it.

Q7: Can a contract labor license be revoked or canceled?

Yes, a contract labor license can be revoked or canceled by the licensing authority under certain circumstances. This may occur if the employer or contractor is found to be non-compliant with labor laws, engages in unfair labor practices, violates the terms and conditions of the license, or fails to meet other regulatory requirements.

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