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National highway Authority of India rules for petrol pump

National highway authority rules for petrol pump

Guidelinesnorms of National highway authority rules for petrol pump access permission to fuel station.

The Ministry had issued guidelines regarding Grant of permissions for construction of access to various establishments situated along the National Highways e.g. Fuel Stations, Private Properties, Rest Area Complexes and such other facilities vide circular No. RW/NH- 33023/19/99/-DO-III dated 26-06-2020 and its subsequent amendments from time to time with focus on enabling smooth flow of traffic, minimum interference from vehicles entering the Right of Way of a National Highway, safety of road users etc.




The oil/gas company/ Owner of the property may construct or develop the fuel station/ private property along with access as per approved drawings at their own cost within 12 months from the date of issue of Provisional Permission for access. After construction/development of the retail outlet/ private establishment as per approved drawing, the applicant may apply on-line for issue of the final permission for access.

The final approval shall be granted by the authorized Highway Administration within 15 days of the receipt of comments from the Proposing Authority Confirming the satisfactory completion of construction of the retail outlet as per approved drawings.

License Fee, Processing fee and Penalties: Under National highway authority rules for petrol pump

The details of the License fee / processing fee/ penalty for unauthorized access or abuse of the permission granted for different types / categories of access permission shall be as under:

Sr. No. Subject Amount Remarks/Conditions
A. Way-side amenities, Fuel Retail Outlets- Petrol/Diesel/Gas/Charging Station for EVs/Biofuel Pumps etc.
i. Non-refundable processing fee per Application (to be deposited along with the Application) Rs 10,000/-
ii. Grant of Provisional approval/permission subject to the application being found in order / conforming to the prescribed specification (non-refundable) Rs 20,000 The provisional approval shall be valid for a period of one year, which may further be extendable by one more year. However, owner/promotor of such facility shall not put it to commercial operations and release traffic on the NH until the provisional approval is converted into final access permission.
iii. Bank Guarantee towards successful completion of access as per the prescribed norms/specifications before final approval is obtained. Rs 2,50,000 Valid for a period of three years. The BG shall be released by the Highway Administration within 30 days of the grant of regular access permission. In case the access construction is not completed even within the extended period, the Highway Administration may encash the Bank Guarantee.
iv. One-time License fee for Access permission for a Fuel Station/Way-side Amenity (with or without Rest areas.) Rs 2,50,000 Access permission would be renewable after 15 years on payment of processing fee only.
v Penalty for operating energized fuel station /commercial operation of a way-side amenity which fulfil the prescribed norms, without obtaining prior permission for grant of access from the Highway Administrator. Rs 2,50,000 The access permission shall be granted only upon payment of the License Fee, Processing Fee and the Penalty Amount.
vi In case the fuel station/way side amenity is existing on a road developed earlier but which has been newly notified as a National Highway and approval for access to such road was earlier obtained from the Competent Authority in the State /UT. Rs 10,000/-

(Processing fee)

1.      Requisite permission documents shall be submitting and only the processing fee of Rs 10,000/- shall be charged subject to the condition that it fulfils the prescribed access condition;

2.      However, if the existing access facility is found deficient, the owner will have to modify/make the access facility conform to the prescribed standards within 12 months subject to availability

vii In case the Fuel Station/ Way-side
amenity/ property is existing on a
road development earlier but which has been newly notified as a National Highway without any access permission from the competent authority of the state /UT concerned
Rs 10,000/- towards processing fee and Rs 20,000 for provisional approval and Rs 2,50,000 as License Fee + Rs 2,50,000/- as penalty. The owner of the facility shall have to apply for access permission as if it is a fresh case and
conform to the access standards as prescribed.
Further, the owner shall have to take the requisite action (i.e. apply for access permission) within a period of one year of the Notification of such road as a NH, failing which the access shall be disconnected.
viii. Renewal of Access Permission for a retail outlet / way – side Amenity Rs 10,000/- Only the processing fee will be paid. However, any Violations made during the intervening period since grant of access earlier granted will have to be necessarily rectified.


Also Read: what-is-cc-site-dc-sites-cfs-sites-of-petrol-pump/

Norms for Location, Layout and access Fuel Station along National Highway: under National highway authority rules for petrol pump

The term “Fuel Station” shall include Petroleum Retail Outlets, Cng/Gas Retail Outlets, Electrical Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations, bio-fuel Pumps, wayside amenities etc.

Norms on Existing Service Road / Slip Road:

Irrespective of the terrain, no norm shall be applicable if the retail outlet is proposed on the existing service roads / slip road.

However, permission for retail outlet proposed on the existing service road / slip roads needs to be obtained from Highway Administration to regulate other requirements such as drainage facilities, plot size, drinking water, toilet facilities, signs, marking etc.

However, no access permission shall be granted for establishment of a retail outlet on the entry / exit ramp of service / slip road.


Location Norms on Rural Stretches of National Highways: under National highway authority rules for petrol pump

Sr. No. Items Norms applicable
1. Acceleration/Deceleration Lane Need to construct 100m acceleration lane and 70 m deceleration lane.
2. Distance of any intersection with any category of road and median gap. 300 m
3. Any barrier including that of Toll Plaza and Railway Level Crossing 1000 m
4. Distance from the start of approach road of Road Over Bridge (ROB) 200 m
5. Start of approach road of Grade Separator / flyover 300 m
6. Distance between two fuel stations Undivided carriage way= 300 m*

Divided Carriageway= 1000 m*

*Including deceleration and acceleration lanes

However, this restriction shall not apply in case access / egress for all such fuel stations are provided through common service road of 7.0 width and not directly to NH.


Further, access for fuel stations at close proximity than above distance may be allowed provided entry/exit for both the fuel stations are provided through service road of 7.0 m width having sufficient length; further, additional length of such service road shall be constructed at the cost of the latter fuel station owner/company seeking grant of permission for access for the facility.

Location Norms for Urban / Mountains stretches of National Highways: under National highway authority rules for petrol pump


Sr. No. Items Norms applicable
1. Acceleration/Deceleration Lane The deceleration and acceleration lanes may be dispensed with for the fuel station located along urban roads and roads in hilly and mountains terrain.
2. Intersection with any category of road and median Gap 100 m
3. Any barrier including that of Toll Plaza and Railway Level Crossing 1000 m
4. Distance from the start of approach road of Road Over Bridge (ROB) 200 m
5. Start of approach road of Grade Separator / flyover 300 m
6. Distance between two fuel stations 300 m* – for both divided and undivided carriageway.

*Including deceleration and acceleration lanes

However, this restriction shall not apply in case access / egress for all such fuel stations are provided through common service road of 7.0 width and not directly to NH.

Further, access for fuel stations at close proximity than 300m may be allowed provided entry/exit for both the fuel stations are provided through service road of 7.0 m width having sufficient length; further, additional length of such service road shall be constructed at the cost of the latter fuel station owner/company seeking grant of permission for access for the facility.

·        All the dimensions are to be measured from the boundary of the Fuel Station.

·        In case of distance from intersection with any category of road the roads means paved carriageway (Bituminous/concrete/ interlocking concrete block) of 3.0m width and having length of Minimum 300m and above irrespective of the category road.

·        The minimum distance between two fuel stations on both sides of the highway is applicable for undivided carriageway. In case of divided carriageway, with no gap in medians, the distance restriction is for same side and is not applicable on the opposite side of the fuel station. However, access for fuel stations at closer proximity may be allowed provided entry / exit for both the Fuel stations are provided through service road of sufficient length; further, additional length of such service road shall be constructed at the cost of the latter fuel station owner/company seeking grant of permission for access for the facility.

·        Distance between the fuel stations and the structural barriers (i.e. Toll Plaza, Railway level crossing, check barrier etc.) shall not apply if such barriers are located on service road only and are separated from the main carriageway.

·        The gap in the central medians shall be treated as intersection.



General Conditions of Siting: under National highway authority rules for petrol pump


Plot size for Fuel Station: under National highway authority rules for petrol pump under National highway authority rules for petrol pump

  1. The minimum size and shape of the plot for fuel station should primarily be laid down by the Company/ Establishment concerned, for which they would need to consider suitable accommodation of all the facilities e.g. fuel pumps, offices, stories, compressor room, air pump and kiosks etc. The Highway Administration steps in primarily keeping in view that no hindrance is caused to the movement of vehicles of expected maximum dimensions, within the fuel station and in the access area. Sufficient space would need to be available to accommodate the number of fuel pumps to cater to the expected number of vehicles in peak time at this location so that the vehicles do not spill over to the access area. The air pump and kiosks for pollution control measurements be installed at some distance from the fuel pumps so that the vehicles requiring these services do not cause hindrance to the free movement of vehicles entering or exiting the fuel station.
  2. Keeping the above considerations in view, the minimum size of the plot for a fuel station along National Highways shall be as follows:-
Sr. No.   Frontage

(In meter)


(In meter)

1. On Rural Stretches in Plain and rolling terrain 35 35
2. On Urban stretches in plain and rolling terrain 30 30
3. In hilly and mountainous terrain 20 20
Note: The proposed plot of new fuel stations should be such that the minimum frontage is achieved within the minimum total area as stipulated above.



Access for new fuel station along divided/ undivided carriageway sections. underNational highway authority rules for petrol pump

  1. The access to fuel station along divided/un-divided carriageway for rural stretch of National Highways shall be through acceleration and deceleration lane. The acceleration and deceleration lane may be dispensed with for urban/ hilly and mountainous roads. under National highway authority rules for petrol pump
  2. The deceleration lane would take-off from the edge of the paved shoulder taken up to the edge of the Right of Way (ROW) of National Highway, beyond which, the boundary of fuel station shall start. Its minimum length would be 70 m measured along the travel direction of highway. Its width would be minimum 5.5m. The shoulder of 2.25 m would be provided towards the outer side of the access/ egress (i.e. on the side farthest from the carriageway) for this deceleration lane. under National highway authority rules for petrol pump
  3. The acceleration lane would take-off from the edge of the fuel station on exit side having minimum length of 100 m. Its width would be minimum 5.5m. Its starting stretch of 70 m length would be with a curvature of minimum radius of 650m and the remaining 30m length would be tapered so as to facilitate vehicles coming out of fuel station, merging with fast moving through traffic on main carriageway, in a safe and efficient manner. Wherever, available ROW is inadequate to accommodate the service roads and/ or deceleration/ acceleration lanes in plain and rolling terrain of non-urban stretches, the additional marginal land by the side of ROW to accommodate the deceleration/ acceleration lanes shall be acquired by the owner of the fuel station. In cases of widening to 4/6 lanes in near future, the matter shall be dealt on case-to-case basis. under National highway authority rules for petrol pump
  4. A separator island would be provided in front of the fuel station. The length of this separator island would be determined on the basis of the intersecting points of the edge line of the separator island with the line drawn along the edge of chevron marking, as indicated in Figures 1 and 2 for undivided carriageway and Figure 3 and 4 for divided carriageway, of these norms. Its shape for isolated fuel station would be as shown in Figure 1/ Figure 3 and that for the cluster of fuel stations with common service roads, as shown in Figure 2/Figure 4. It would have minimum width of 3m. The width of approaches connecting deceleration and acceleration lanes, along the separator island should be 5.5m.
  5. There would be buffer strip from the edge of the ROW and would extend minimum 3m inside the fuel station plot. Its minimum length would be 12 m. In Urban/ hilly or mountainous areas, minimum length of buffer strip may be reduced to 5m keeping minimum width of opening at entry and exit to 7.5 m. No structure or hoarding except the approved standard identification sign on pole, would be permitted inside the buffer strip. under National highway authority rules for petrol pump The buffer strip as well as the separator island should be provided with kerb of minimum 275 mm height to prevent vehicles from crossing it or using it for parking purposes. The buffer strip in the approach zone should be suitably shaped or cover extra area in the approach zone after provision of acceleration, deceleration lane and connecting approaches and should be properly turfed for aesthetic landscaping.
  6. The radius for turning curves would be 13 m and that for non-turning curves should be from 1.5 to 3 m, so as to check over speeding while entering or exiting the fuel station. Wherever, available ROW is inadequate, the additional marginal land by the side of ROW shall be acquired by the owner of fuel station to provide prescribed turning radius. under National highway authority rules for petrol pump


List of documents to be submitted for getting approval for installation of new Fuel Station/ Way-side Amenity/ Establishment along National Highways: National highway authority rules for petrol pump

  1. Signed copy of license deed. The draft is at Annex III.
  2. Certified copy of location plan of the Fuel Station along the National Highway showing details of Right of Way (ROW) of National Highway, existing intersections and the intersecting roads, including existing public roads and other developments, falling within a reach of 1.1 km in each side of the Fuel Station and carriageway.
  3. Certified copy of plan of the proposed Fuel Station showing details of deceleration, acceleration lanes, service road (if provided), buffer strip, fuel pump, office, kiosk, lubritorium, air and water supply, toilet & drinking water facilities, drainage details, signages and markings conforming to applicable figures enclosed with these norms.
  4. Certified copy of sectional view showing elevation of Fuel Station with respect to National Highway and slopes to be provided for adequate drainage and preventing water logging on the National Highway.
  5. Drainage plan of the Fuel Station. under National highway authority rules for petrol pump
  6. Detail of the material for pavement composition for deceleration lane, service road and acceleration lane.
  7. Undertaking from the oil company that the oil company would pay necessary fee for the use of the National Highway land whenever the fee is demanded by the Highway Authorities in future. under National highway authority rules for petrol pump
  8. Undertaking from Oil Company that necessary alteration including complete removal/ shifting of the approach roads at its own cost if so required by Ministry, for the development of National Highway or in the interest of safety in this section.
  9. Undertaking from Oil Company that they shall take all the action as prescribed in Appendix – I to ensure conformity of these Norms. under National highway authority rules for petrol pump
  10. Undertaking from the Oil Company that the fuel station is neither in operation nor energized and that construction of the fuel station has not been commenced.
  11. Documentary evidence of additional Land Acquisition details (if required) beyond the available ROW (to accommodate service roads, deceleration / acceleration lanes, turning radius etc.) done by the owner of the fuel station. [NOTE– It needs to be specifically mentioned if the same is not applicable/required.]

Retail outlet in Rural Stretches: National highway authority rules for petrol pump











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