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How to apply for APEDA Registration- 2023

Introduction about APEDA Registration

APEDA is the abbreviation for Agricultural & Processed Food Products Export Development Authority. It is an executive organization established in 1985 through an act for the growth and promotion of export of scheduled products. It provides financial assistance, information, guidelines towards the development of scheduled products. The products listed under the APEDA Act are called schedule products, and, the exporters who want to export such scheduled products shall get their self-registered under APEDA.

APEDA registration is a critical step for exporters to establish themselves in the global market for scheduled agricultural and processed food products. It aligns their operations with international standards and provides valuable support to ensure the quality and competitiveness of their products on the international stage.

Why APEDA Registration is required to obtained?

APEDA registration is crucial for exporters of scheduled agricultural and processed food products to ensure product quality, gain access to international markets, benefit from financial assistance, and enhance their credibility in the global trade arena. It also aligns exporters with regulatory requirements and promotes the overall growth of the Indian agricultural and processed food export sector.

APEDA registration is necessary for several important reasons, all of which contribute to the growth, quality assurance, and credibility of agricultural and processed food product exports from India.

  1. Quality Assurance and Standards: APEDA ensures that the scheduled products meant for export meet international quality and safety standards. Registration requires exporters to adhere to these standards, thereby enhancing the overall quality of Indian agricultural and processed food products in the global market.
  2. Credibility and Trust: APEDA registration adds credibility to the exporter’s products. International buyers and importers often look for assurance that the products they are purchasing meet certain standards. APEDA registration demonstrates that the exporter’s products have met the required quality benchmarks.
  3. Access to International Markets: Many countries have stringent import regulations and standards. APEDA registration helps exporters comply with these standards, making it easier to access international markets without facing trade barriers due to quality and safety concerns.
  4. Financial Assistance and Support: Registered exporters can avail themselves of various financial incentives, schemes, and support programs provided by APEDA. These resources aid in promoting and developing the export of scheduled products.
  5. Market Intelligence: APEDA provides valuable market information, trade statistics, and insights into global export trends. Registered exporters gain access to this information, helping them make informed decisions about target markets and strategies.
  6. Promotional Activities: APEDA organizes trade fairs, exhibitions, buyer-seller meets, and promotional events. Registered exporters can participate in these activities to showcase their products, network with potential buyers, and expand their market presence.
  7. Technical Assistance: APEDA offers technical support and guidance to exporters, helping them improve their production processes, adopt best practices, and stay updated with the latest industry trends.
  8. Compliance with Legal Requirements: APEDA registration is a legal requirement for exporters dealing with scheduled products. Non-compliance could lead to legal issues and hinder export operations.
  9. Traceability and Accountability: APEDA registration aids in establishing traceability and accountability for the products throughout the supply chain, from production to export.
  10. Uniformity and Standardization: APEDA registration ensures uniformity and standardization in export processes, leading to a more organized and efficient export sector.


What are the Advantages of APEDA registration?

APEDA registration offers several advantages to exporters of scheduled agricultural and processed food products. These advantages contribute to the growth, quality assurance, and competitiveness of Indian products in the international market. Here are the key benefits of APEDA registration:

Provides Legality

Any individual or entity who wants to indulge in the export of the scheduled products required to obtain APEDA Registration which provide a legal backup to the business.

Enhances the Growth and Development of Export Infrastructure

Once the registration gets done, the exporters can utilize the APEDA subsidies for the growth and development of export infrastructure, featured and market development activities.

Creates Awareness Amongst the Exporters

APEDA Registration helps the Exporters to get aware of the latest export quality standards, trade fairs, infrastructure support, and agriculture-exchange reports.

Enhances Eligibility

By obtaining APEDA Registration, the exporters will become eligible to attend various training programs conducted by the APEDA for the business and skill development.

Provides Guidelines

APEDA Registration provides guidelines and instruction to the exporters related to the various scheduled products in order to enhance the business structure of the same.

Helps in Availing the Financial Assistance

APEDA Registration helps in availing the various financial assistance schemes.

Brand Publicity

APEDA Registration helps the exporters in brand publicity in the market.


List of Products cover Under APEDA Registration

  1. Fruits, Vegetables and their Products.
  2. Meat and Meat Products.
  3. Poultry and Poultry Products.
  4. Dairy Products.
  5. Confectionery, Biscuits and Bakery Products.
  6. Honey, Jaggery and Sugar Products.
  7. Cocoa and its products, chocolates of all kinds.
  8. Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic Beverages.
  9. Cereal and Cereal Products.
  10. Groundnuts, Peanuts and Walnuts.
  11. Pickles, Papads and Chutneys.
  12. Guar Gum.
  13. Floriculture and Floriculture Products.
  14. Herbal and Medicinal Plants.

In additional to know more about products and Harmonized Product Code List- Click here.


Also Read- EPR Registration for Battery Waste Management.


What are the Documents Required for APEDA Registration?

Here are the list of documents that are commonly requested during the APEDA registration process:

  1.  Business Registration Documents:
    • Certificate of Incorporation (for companies) or Partnership Deed (for partnerships) or any other relevant business registration document.
    • Memorandum and Articles of Association (for companies).
  2. PAN (Permanent Account Number) Card: A copy of the PAN card of the business entity.
  3. IEC (Import Export Code) Certificate: A copy of the IEC certificate issued by the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT).
  4. Bank Certificate: A certificate from your bank stating your business’s authorized signatory and bank account details.
  5. Cancelled Cheque: A cancelled cheque bearing the pre-printed name of the account holder and the account number.
  6. Copy of Certificate of FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India): If you deal with food products, a copy of your FSSAI registration or license.
  7. List of Products: A detailed list of the scheduled agricultural and processed food products you intend to export.
  8. Production Process Information: Information about your production process, including quality control measures, sourcing of raw materials, and packaging methods.
  9. Quality Control Certificates: Any relevant certificates indicating that your products meet quality and safety standards.
  10. Trade References: References from buyers, suppliers, or other business partners that can vouch for your business operations.
  11. Letter of Authorization: If the registration process is being handled by an authorized representative, a letter of authorization from the business entity.
  12. Photographs: Passport-sized photographs of the authorized signatory.
  13. Business Premises Proof: Proof of the business premises, such as a rental agreement or property ownership documents.
  14. Details of Proprietor/Partners/Directors: Personal details of the proprietor, partners, or directors of the business.
  15. Contact Information: Contact details of the authorized signatory and the business entity.



For the APEDA registration, the payment of Rs. 5000/- excluding taxes is required to be made through any of the below-mentioned modes:

During the submission of application you can choose below option for payment.

What is the procedure for APEDA Registration?

Before Proceeding for APEDA Registration, you have to apply for the e-RCMC Registration. For this follow below step:

The exporters may apply for e-RCMC through the link given under “Services” menu for obtaining RCMC for APEDA scheduled products after getting IEC Code from DGFT.
The Pre-requisites of RCMC is also given on the DGFT portal. The exporters / new entrepreneurs are requested to follow the link as given below for filing /obtaining RCMC for APEDA Scheduled Products: 

You may also contact YMW Financial Services for APEDA Registration in India.


Conclusion of APEDA Registration

PEDA registration aligns exporters with international standards, supports their export endeavors through various resources, and helps them navigate the complexities of global trade. It is a testament to the Indian government’s commitment to promoting the export of agricultural and processed food products while ensuring their quality, safety, and competitiveness on the global stage.Top of Form

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